Course Description
Students will learn how to develop and apply facilitation techniques to support their team at every stage of the team life cycle. Students will enhance their interpersonal competencies and observational abilities to deal with disruptions and more.
Course Outline
1. The Importance of Facilitation
Being an Effective Facilitator
Harnessing Knowledge, Experience, and Diversity
Encouraging Group Motivation and Commitment
Observing the Team Process
2. Facilitating Process and Content
Identifying Process and Content Elements
Managing the Flow
Resolving Tensions and Disagreement
3. Setting the Stage for Facilitation
Laying the Groundwork,
Educating Participants, and Securing Support
Selecting the Right Facilitator
Planning for a Facilitated Meeting
4. Facilitating Team Development
Encouraging Participation
Recognizing Stages in the Team Life Cycle
Supporting the Team through the Stages
5. Building Consensus and Reaching Decisions
Gathering and Presenting Data
Synthesizing and Summarizing
Identifying Options and Brainstorming
Facilitating SWOT Analysis
Creating a Short List
Using the Multi-Option technique
6. Disruptions, Dysfunctions and Interventions
Handling Disruptions and Difficult Behavior
Addressing Dysfunction
Agreeing on Ground Rules
Restating and Reframing
Course Objectives
- Apply techniques to encourage participation and reach consensus
- Utilize facilitative questioning techniques
- Recognize indicators to facilitate each stage of the team process
- Deal constructively with disruptions and typical problem behavior
- Implement interventions appropriately
- Plan and run a focused discussion, meeting or event
Course Prerequisites
There are no prerequisites for this course.
Course Information
Length: 2 day
Format: Lecture and Lab
Delivery Method: n/a
Max. Capacity: 16
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